Culinary Austria - a grand collection of 80 classic Austrian recipes, many of which originated in the provinces of the K K monarchy. Savoury and sweet, from Wiener Schnitzel to Apfelstrudel, from Gulaschsoup to Kaiserschmarren. Illustrated and easy to follow recipes – this is all you need to start cooking your Austrian favourites!
The Austrian Café - Drawing on influences from Italy, Hungary and Bohemia and regional cuisine Viennese pastries and desserts have become world famous. Follow these easy recipes supported by mouth-watering illustrations to bake the perfect Sachertorte and Guglhupf or to recreate delicious desserts like Kaiserschmarren and Marillenknödel in your own home.’
Österreichische Küche - The same recipes as in ‘Culinary Austria’ but for
our German speaking hobby chefs!
All books are beautifully illustrated. This is the ideal gift for the aspiring chef, or for someone who misses all the Austrian dishes from their last holiday.
Hardback, Hubert Krenn Publishing House